The only Resolution that Each One of us should undertake this New Year(2022)…!!

Tejal Patil
3 min readJan 2, 2022

New year…means new energy, new optimism and new air of joy…also filled with new year resolutions.
Are you sure your new year resolutions will make you the person you want to be?

2020 too — 2022*

We celebrated the 31st with great enthusiasm and gave goodbye to the year 2021. With a new year, we all have plans of starting something fresh, something new so that we could make our new year much better than the previous one.

And hence the resolutions come into action. The social media — YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp…are filled with people posting their new year resolutions and the challenges they have undertaken to change themselves. Those resolutions include being healthy, having better relationships, being fit, meditating and whatnot, But these resolutions aren’t the only ones you need to change your life.

Resolutions should be made more systematically — when you talk about being fit you need to undertake the consequences that come with it. Exercising means dealing with the physical pain that you’ll receive. Are you ready to conquer the pain — if yes, then go ahead cause you have made up your mind?

Resolutions are vague if you don’t calculate the challenges or pain you’ll face. We (including me)often make new year resolutions with all the passion and overwhelming energies, but we fail to pursue them — have you thought why?
The resolutions are just the end goals that we all think of achieving but we don’t really calculate the problems we’ll have to face…and hence most of us give up on these resolutions too early. Not only does giving up on the goals negatively impact how others perceive us, but it also has an impact on how we view ourselves. We lose self-esteem and start to doubt ourselves. We start thinking that we are not capable of doing anything nor capable of changing. And again the same old pattern goes on and on…that continued the previous year.

The most important part of setting any new year goals is — to face each challenge with courage. To change yourself and live a better life one needs to understand this important fact — that you’ll confront challenges, and hence you need to make up your mind to face them with courage. Rather than running away from it, that’s it once you make up your mind you are all ready to pursue your goals.

The only resolution that I have undertaken this year is,

I would courageously face all the challenges, problems and obstacles that come in my way, this year. When I face them with all my might…at the end even if I fail…I would feel more confident in myself — that at least I didn’t run away or hide from them. The challenges I’m facing are only going to make me stronger and give me the confidence that I’m strong enough to handle anything that life throws at me. They gonna make me the person I wanted to be, they’ll change my life for the better. This is the only resolution I have this year. Let’s face it with all I have.

This is not only a resolution but a sort of promise to myself for a better life. So let’s undertake this one resolution and change our lives for the better. And now no more failing in pursuing the new year goals. No one stopping you from changing your life. Go for it!!! wish you all have the best year of your life.
I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, May all of you stay blessed and happy — also stay safe.

Thank you.



Tejal Patil

"A Writer who loves to express through writing. For me writing is the way to acquire ecstasy. A blogger and content writer, my niche is mental health".